Opening March 1st 2025!
"Finding the Way" (Book One in the Seekers Series" by Cindy Burkart Maynard
A coming of age journey along the Camino de Santiago in medieval Spain.
Book One in the Seekers Series
In 1250 AD, in an obscure corner of northeastern Spain at the foot of the Pyrenees, ancient
Basque traditions collide with the onslaught of Christianity. Amika, a young Basque girl on the
brink of adulthood and her mother, a healer, awake in the night to the howls of an angry mob
approaching their hut. Torches fly and their hut goes up in flames. The rabid throng drags her
mother away to be burned at the stake as a witch. Amika flees in terror into the forest. A Wise
Woman of the ancient tradition rescues her and initiates Amika into the Old Ways. Soon they
too are hunted down and jailed, doomed to suffer the same fate as Amika's mother. A
sympathetic priest frees Amika, but as the price of her freedom he sends her on a quest to walk
the Camino de Santiago, the ancient pilgrimage route across northern Spain. Along the way
Amika encounters danger, hardship, and fear before she meets the man and child with whom
she will share her future.